The 93 cards in the practical tin box.
The digital version of the cards on the web and as PDF for download, audio files with further explanations and a workshop template for Miro.
Our language is result and mirror of the structures in which we live and the relationships we maintain with each other. At the same time, we deepen these structures and reproduce the relationships over and over again as soon as we use the associated language patterns. We can interrupt this cycle by changing our habitual language patterns. On the cards you will find typical language patterns from your professional and private everyday life and suitable alternatives. Try out where, when and how they work for you. We think and act the way we speak.
Where do our speech patterns come from, with which we bring about decisions and communicate, with which we try to clarify differences of opinion and solve conflicts?In the old world of production, thinking and deciding are sharply separated from implementing and executing; done by different sets of people. Stable framework conditions allow long-term decisions, instructions are to be carried out precisely and without comment, thinking along is neither required nor desired. The associated communication culture serves to secure hierarchy, power and decision-making authority. It is about enforcement, control, sanctions, distance, non-contradictory acceptance, error thinking, and assigning blame. Discussions secure the sovereignty of opinion. The WHO is always very important. The communication moves on the event level: Announce the goal and your expectations directed to it. The appropriate mindset: I know how to do it and I enforce and implement what I need!In the New World of Collaboration, thinking, deciding and implementing are tasks for everyone involved. It is about solutions for complex problems, flexibility in uncertain times and short optimization cycles. Thinking, contributing and cooperating are essential prerequisites. The new communication culture needs appreciation, respect and the willingness to achieve something together. It is about eye level, commonality, responsibility, closeness, dispute with dissent and consensus, optimization. Discussions promote joint learning. It is about HOW. Communication moves on the meta-level: question the way to reach the goal and improve the result. A helpful mindset: Together we always search and find the best solution for all involved!Basic assumptions on which the maps are based.
- Every person has their own view on things.
- You can’t talk people out of their needs.
- Every action of a person makes sense from his point of view.
- Emotional outbursts are the expression of unsatisfied or endangered needs.
- Being able to understand does not mean having to accept.
- Other perspectives bring new insights.
- The others could be right.
- I might have overlooked something.
Or in the words of Norm Kerth’s Agile Prime Directive:
„Regardless of what we discover, we understand and truly believe that everyone did the best job they could, given what they knew at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand.“
[ Norm Kerth, Project Retrospectives: A Handbook for Team Review.]